Monday, November 7, 2011


Zombie questions
1st: most zombie films presuppose a massive incident of zombie activity literally overnight and globally. This all but rules out any realistic pandemic / virus model except the following possibilities: global bio-terrorism of co-ordinated virus releases, or magic. Can you think of any other explanations for a global zombie plague occurring everywhere at the same time?
2nd: Infection vectors are greatly ignored in the zombie genre. If it is a virus passed through bites, and supposedly highly infectious, shouldn't ALL zombie bodily fluids be considered infectious? Would you want to grapple or hack on an infectious Ebola victim? What about mosquitos transmitting the virus? Or the virus being airborne from the zombie's "breathing", like a contagious flu? Zombies moan, ergo they breathe. How might realistic infection vectors affect your zombie response tactics?Top of Form

I'd like to postulate 4 types of zombie infection for the above questions.
1. Super virus such as 28 days later: highly infectious super-rabies.
2. Weaponized Cordyceps. ( ) A fungal spore infection responsible for wiping out entire insect colonies by infecting victims and turning them into violent zombies until the fungus "spores" and covers entire regions with microscopic spores that continue to infect individuals. Look up zombie ants to be afraid. Cordyceps: attack of the killer fungi - Planet Earth Attenborough BBC wildlife

3. A supernatural / paranormal type of event that creates true "walking dead".
4. As Bw says, a latent "gene" or inherent condition in people triggered by non-traditional causes (the movie Pontypool is a good example: it's a meme wherein people are becoming zombies as their brains overload with too much information and a "God Virus" meme is triggered to reduce the over-crowded population. pontypool trailer:

Assuming zombies "eat" the flesh and or brains of their victims, how do they process the meat? Do the zombies swell up like ticks and burst? Do they eliminate the waste as in zombie poop? Do they purge?
Another subject: how do zombies detect suitable prey, i.e. YOU? Do they "smell" you? Do they "detect" your electro neural activity? Do they hear or see you? I recently saw an interesting theory, that zombies detect prey by touch! They're drawn to the body heat of suitable victims: that's why they walk with hands outstretched and bump into each other and walk in groups: they don't eat each other because they're "room temperature" but go all zombie-postal when feeling the body heat of a living person.

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